Mrs. Natalie Westerfield, Sinking Fork School Counselor
CCPS School Counselor Program
Mission: The mission of CCPS School Counselors is to break down academic, career, and social-emotional barriers that students face by advocating for the whole student in order to become Caring, Compliant, Productive, and Successful citizens.
Vision: The vision of CCPS School Counselors is to create a safe and engaging environment to empower all students through equitable instruction and support that ensures social, academic, and career success.
Meet the Counselor
My name is Natalie Westerfield and I am the School Counselor at Sinking
Fork Elementary. This is my sixteenth year as a school counselor, and my eleventh year at Sinking Fork. It's great to be a Panther! Prior to being a
counselor, I taught general music at the elementary level for eight
years. I received my Bachelor of Music Education, Master of Arts in
Education in School Counseling, and Education Specialist degree in
School Counseling from Murray State University. In addition, I am a graduate of Hopkinsville High School and was a CCPS student from Kindergarten through twelfth grade before pursuing my education degrees.
I am here to assist students in the areas of social-emotional, academic, and career development/ awareness through direct and indirect services to students. I go into the K-5th grade classes each month to teach social emotional learning lessons. When possible, the lessons are also tied into the character words of the month. I am available for individual counseling (short term) and small group counseling, as well. If you feel your student may need long term counseling services, you may contact me for a referral to school-based therapy. Christian County Public Schools have school-based therapists that come into the schools from the district, Pennyroyal Center, and Mt. Comprehensive Care Center. School-Based Therapy is a good option for parents who are unable to take their students to outside appointments and would like their children to receive therapy services while in the school setting.
I also serve as the PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Coach for Tiers 2 and 3 which helps students that may require some behavior interventions in order to be more successful in the school setting. Some of the other roles I have are serving as the ARC Chairperson for Special Education meetings for students requiring special services and as the Chairperson for Section 504 meetings. In addition to counseling students, I consult with parents, teachers, administration, and district personnel in order to help ensure our students have Panther PRIDE…
P-Practice a positive attitude.
R-Respect ourselves, others, and our school.
I-Improve ourselves every day.
D-Demonstrate cooperation.
E-Exhibit Responsibility
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your student that I can assist you with.

Contact: Mrs. Natalie Westerfield
Counselor's Corner Newsletter: Stay Tuned!
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Social Emotional Learning through classroom counseling lessons will be used regularly throughout the year and will cover many
topics. SEL helps students develop their thinking skills, learn to act responsibly, practice acceptable behavior, understand and express their emotions, do better in school, and navigate the world more effectively. In addition, SEL is used to teach/instill the following qualities which support students in reaching their fullest potential for academic, social/emotional, and career development skills:
*To help students learn how to solve problems for themselves
*To help students better understand themselves and others
*To help students be more aware of feelings
*To improve students' self-esteem (the way they see themselves)
*To help classmates learn together as a group
Lessons will be coordinated to support the Student of the Month themes, when applicable:
Students of the Month: Character & Competencies
Each month our school will focus on a different character trait and/or Profile of a Graduate Competency to encourage the development of the following in our students:
August: Welcome Back!
September: Empathetic Communicator (Empathy/Kindness/Listening Skills)
October: Accountable Self Starter (Responsibility/Positive Outlook)
November: Adaptable Learner (Growth Mindset)
December: Respect (Respect for self, others, and our school)
January: Integrity (Honesty; Doing the right thing even when no one is watching)
February: Collaborative Problem Solver (Problem Solving)
March: Innovative Critical Thinker (Good Judgment)
April: Career and/or Work Ready (Teamwork/Conflict Resolution/Self-Control)
May: Perseverance (Keep trying to achieve long and short-term goals)
If you have any questions or concerns about content on this page, please call the school at 270-887-7330 for more information